Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Tue, 10 July
*getting off the path, you experience the forest in a much different way
*When setting up a lesson for students, ask them to look around and say what they think the answer might be before the data is collected & analyzed--a hypothesis
*so many plants to identify--focus on shrub & herbaceous layers

Forest composition data crunching today. In the science-focused classes the numbers crunching was usually more complex so this simple exercise was a nice review. It was fun watching others figure out how to read the data and then what it all meant.

The hike through BHW was fast although we spent 2 hours doing a scavenger hunt. Seeing many of the features mentioned in Tom Wessel's book like the coppiced trees was great. The highlights for me were seeing beautiful plants I could not identify, the re-sprouting beech trunk, finding clethra beside the beaver pond and the old homestead with Alice's headstone. I'm really looking forward to exploring that site more. 


  1. That site was really interesting, a lot of history. I would like to go back there one more time, I think on the way to the beaver pond we may be able to. Where was the re-sprouting beech?? I don't think I saw that one on the scavenger hunt.

  2. I also appreciate the Clethra by the pond. Maybe this week it is blooming! It is such a pungent plant.

    Stump sprouting is widespread at BHW. This is surely a sign of former logging in the area.
